23 Mar 2011

Grooming settings in the OperationsManagerDW Database

There is no UI to configure the grooming settings of the Data Warehouse DB.  

The settings are stored in the StandardDatasetAggregation table which you can view by running the following SQL query: 

SELECT AggregationIntervalDurationMinutes, BuildAggregationStoredProcedureName, GroomStoredProcedureName, MaxDataAgeDays, GroomingIntervalMinutes FROM StandardDatasetAggregation

The column MaxDataAgeDays holds the data retention period (in days), obviously lowering this is a quick and easy way to reduce the size of the database.

Here's a script to update the data retention period for Event data:

UPDATE StandardDatasetAggregation SET MaxDataAgeDays = (retention period in days) WHERE GroomStoredProcedureName = 'EventGroom'

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